Student Resources

At COI, we are committed to provide a wide range of resources, from various career-facilitating programs to different recreational activities. 

1. Career Development: 

a. Career Advancement opportunities: Browse listings of current career and internship fairs at the University of Chicago.

b. UChicagoGRAD is a dedicated resource for graduate students and postdocs to receive personalized, flexible training to complement their academic pursuits, from fellowship and writing support, to career preparation and internships, to training in public speaking and networking. UChicagoGRAD has an active schedule of events on academic and career development. Sign up to receive notifications.

myChoice logo


UChicagoGRAD also includes the myCHOICE program, which prepares University of Chicago graduate and postdoctoral  trainees with biosciences degrees for their ideal career paths through seminars, courses, internships, externships, and more. Explore current offerings and listen to our students and postdocs discuss their experience with the program.

c. Career Exploration Resources

d. Versatile Ph.D.: Versatile PhD is an online resource that helps graduate students and postdocs prepare for and excel in diverse careers. The platform features first-person accounts from PhDs who have transitioned into a variety of careers beyond the professoriate. Versatile PhD also provides a PhD-focused job board, a career planning tool, an “Options for Success” career discovery course, and opportunities to build experience by participating in experiential micro-projects.

e.  Funding/fellowship opportunities

f. Postdoctoral research opportunities

2. Campus Resources: 

a. Mental Health Awareness: 

- Student Wellness Mental Health Center: Student Wellness provides 24/7 Therapist-on-call service, scheduled virtual sessions and virtual drop-in sessions. They also provide regular workshops. 

- Mental Health First Aid: Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is an eight-hour training designed to give participants the skills to help someone who is developing a mental health problem or experiencing a mental health crisis. The course uses role-playing and simulations to demonstrate how to recognize and respond to the warning signs and symptoms of a mental illness or emotional crisis.

3. Other Resources: